Recognised institutions and accredited courses
- Services
- The Italian Higher Education System
- Recognised institutions and accredited courses
The list of all the official institutions of the Italian system (university and AFAM) is available on the UNIVERSITALY website, clicking on the following Interactive map.
The term “official” institutions means the recognised institutions in Italy officially belonging to the higher education system (university and AFAM) and which are authorized to award academic titles that hold legal value and are part of the Italian higher education system.
For the list of official university institutions the Italian system official university institution database can also be consulted.
For the list of the official Higher Education for Art, Music and Dance (AFAM) institutions the official list of AFAM institutions published on the Ministry for Education, Universities and Research (MIUR) can also be consulted.
It is also possible to view the educational offer of the Italian institutions database and the relevant accredited courses of Italian higher education institutions by clicking on the UNIVERSITALY website.
It should also be remembered that, by applying Article VI.5 of the Lisbon Recognition Convention, Italy has regulated the recognition of academic titles awarded by foreign universities operating on its territory, subjecting the possibility of access to recognition procedures to an accreditation procedure specific to the foreign institution, as established by Decree n. 214 of April 26, 2004: “Regulations governing criteria and procedures for foreign higher education institutes operating in Italy with a view to recognizing academic qualifications they award (implementation of Article 4 of Law 148 of 11 July, 2002)”.
Further information on the institutions and the Italian higher education system are available on the ENIC-NARIC website dedicated to Italy: