Ratification and implementation of the Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region, approved in Lisbon on 11 April, 1997, and regulations for adaptation in national law.
Decree n. 270, 22 October, 2004
Modifications to the regulations containing rules concerning educational autonomy of universities, approved by Ministry of Universities and Scientific and Technology Research Decree n. 509, 3 November, 1999.
Regulations containing criteria and procedures for foreign higher education institutes operating in Italy pertaining to recognition of qualifications they issue (implementation of article 4 of law n. 148 of 11 July, 2002).
Presidential Decree n.189, 30 July, 2009
Regulations concerning academic qualification recognition, under article 5 of law n.148 of 11 July, 2002.
Presidential Decree n.394, 31 August, 1999
Regulations containing implementation rules of the consolidated law of the provisions concerning control of immigration and rules on the status of foreigners, under article 1, comma 6, of the legislative decree n.286, of 25 July, 1998.
Legislative decree n.286, 25 July, 1998
Consolidated law of dispositions concerning control of immigration and rules on the status of foreigners.
Legislative decree n. 18, 21 February, 2014
Implementation of the EU directive 2011/95/UE containing rules on the allocation, to citizens of third countries or stateless individuals, of the status of beneficiary of international protection, on a unified status for refugees or for persons entitled to benefit from subsidiary protection, as well as on the substance of the identified protection.