
Qualifications framework

ECGFA NET - European Coast Guard Functions Academy Network for European Sectorial Qualification's Framework for Coast Guarding

Strengthen international collaboration between the training institutions which deal with coast guard functions on a European level, creating a network between institutions and a sectoral Framework of qualifications relating to the functions of the coast guard. CIMEA was an external expert in the project and contributed to the creation of the Manual for the future development of the Coast Guard Functions Sectoral Qualifications Framework.

(further details)

Establishment of the Israeli National Qualifications Framework NQF as a mechanism to fostering the development of Israeli human capital

Develop a national framework of Israeli qualifications, in accordance with the practices developed in the EU, as a mechanism to strengthen the development of human capital. The Twinning, coordinated by MIUR, was carried out in collaboration with CIMEA and Studiare Sviluppo (in-house company of MEF). In Israel the institutions involved are: Prime Minister's Office, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Defence, Ministry of Finance, Labor and Social Services, Ministry of Economy, Ministry of Finance, National Council of Economy, Ministry of Justice.


Italian Cooperation 4 Transparency of Skills & Mobility

Support the implementation of the National Qualifications Framework (NQF) in Italy and the updating of its referencing to the European Qualifications Framework (EQF). Furthermore, support the development of general rules and standards for the definition and validation of non-formal and informal learning, as well as to facilitate the certification of skills, in order to enhance the learning of individuals, regardless of the environment in which the learning took place. The project has also foreseen the development of a national platform to bring together all the information available on education and training. CIMEA was a partner in the project and participated in the development of the activities and the final results.

Qfs-UHSE - The use or potential use of qualifications frameworks as a tool of mobility by higher education institutions and other stakeholders

Verify the knowledge and use of qualifications frameworks as helpful tools to facilitate the understanding of the elements constituting different qualifications issues by different entities at the national level (HEIs, public administrations and employers). CIMEA was a partner of the project and participated in the development of the activities and the final results.

main projects