

Credential evaluation centres and recognition procedure in Latin American countries

Considering that Latin American countries signed the Regional Convention on the Recognition of Studies, Diplomas and Degrees in Higher Education in 1974, that this Recognition Convention is going to be revised following the experience of the Lisbon Recognition Convention (the most recent and innovative one) and that Latin America countries do not have any structured network of national recognition centres, the RecoLATIN project aims at favouring and increasing the quality of vertical and horizontal mobility within Latin American and European higher education systems.

In this framework, partners involved in this project intend to improve competencies and skills of credential evaluators by defining common practices and creating common tools among national bodies and HE institutions of both regions. The optimization of experiences within the Bologna Process implemented in Europe and practices adopted by the ENIC-NARIC network will be the cornerstone of the collaboration of both regions.

In addition of facilitating mutual trust and understanding, the RecoLATIN project will allow the sharing of relevant information on educational systems of both regions. Activities such as the analysis of the practices applied in each country, the analysis of the mobility flows among both regions, and trainings on recognition practices will grant a better understanding of the needs of each participanting country and promote the creation of common tools to improve the assessment of qualifications.

A specific focus will be put on controversial recognition cases and sectors such as transnational education (TNE) and international institutions, distant learning qualifications and non-traditional education.

Since the dissemination of the results of the project is a key aspect of the project, two final conferences will be organised in the two respective geographical zones. Furthermore, each country involved in the project will draw up national reports on their HE systems and their specificities in the view of recognition purposes. This valuable information will be shared with the ENIC/NARIC networks and other mobility stakeholders in Europe and Latin America.

Please find more information on the RecoLATIN project website.

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